Saturday, March 19, 2011

Applesauce gratitude

I'm grateful today for applesauce.
I can also add banana's and warm baths.

Yesterday Bug had dental surgery at the UBC hospital. Bug's Mom came along and I was so grateful for her help and support. I slept over at Bug's place Thursday night into Friday morning where Bug's Mom came a knocking shortly at 7am. We were awake and I'd just released my bladder of its nighttime pee. I quickly threw on jeans and let her in.
Together we got Bug up, dressed, bathroomed and out the door.
He had to be at the hospital by 8:30 for a 10:30 OR time.
It was a day of waiting for Bug's Mom and me, first with Bug and then the almost four and a half hours he was in surgery.
The pre-OR nurse who checked Bug in was great and relied on Bug's Mom and me to help get his vitals, an IV drip hooked into his arm and get him comfortably settled on the narrow gurney. Bug could keep his clothes on as they were working on his mouth, although no one could see what he was wearing under all the warmed up blankets covering him.
The dental surgeon arrived shortly there after and checked in with all of us. I had met her before almost a year earlier at Bug's initial appointment. She's a very pleasant woman with an easy manner. She explained what she was possibly going to do from the cursory check-up she'd done, as she hadn't any x-rays yet to see if there were any hidden surprises. She also said I could come in the OR with Bug until he was knocked out.
I was wrapped in a hospital robe and a blue paper cap covered my freshly shaved head. I helped steer the bed/gurney into the small OR space bustling with activity. There were four identically dressed people buzzing about like a machine. It was mere seconds and they had Bug off in La-la Land. Then he became an object that they stuck things to and shoved things into and very shortly I was ushered out of the room.
He looked so vulnerable.
I found Bug's Mom and we went to the cafeteria for a muffin and beverage. We talked, played cribbage (she beat me two games to zip) and got more beverages. At almost the three hour mark we returned to the waiting-room where our impatience grew as the minutes ticked by on the large wall clock secured above the door on the other side of the room.
Finally the dental surgeon showed up. She was smiling and apologized for the long wait, but the x-rays had revealed some hidden cavities.
In the end Bug had seven fillings and three extractions from the right side of his jaw.
We followed a nurse into the recovery room where Bug was lying, still heavily sedated. It was obvious he wasn't aware of our presence, but after awhile his eyes focused and he croaked out, 'What happened?'.
Bug's Mom and I chuckled and told him had dental surgery.
Shortly there after he repeated his question. He wasn't aware of what had transpired.
As he grew more cognizant, he finally asked, 'Is it over?'
'Yes Bunny, it's over. You did great.'
The recovery nurses said Bug could go home and helped untangle him from the layers of blankets and pillows tucked around his body. She noticed Bug's t-shirt and laughed. She called over the other nurse to read it too. The red t-shirt reported 'My balls itch' and the second nurse indicated to me, 'Obviously you dressed him today as a Mom wouldn't put that shirt on him.' Bug's Mom assured the nurse that she was very correct.
Bug's Mom was such a help getting Bug home. He had some unfortunate retching that had continued from the hospital, in the car on the drive home and at home.
Bug was hungry and tried apple sauce. He loved it.
He tried to go pee, but couldn't seem to get it going, so I ran a bath and his bladder relaxed with hot water. At bed time he was able to keep a partial banana down.
The simple things help make a situation like this bearable.
I'm very grateful to Bug's Mom for her continued support, love and help.
I'm also grateful for apple sauce.

Until the next time...

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