Sunday, March 20, 2011

A son and a Bug

Time management is something that I pride myself on, but at times it kicks me in the butt. Being able to manage my time is one thing, but then trying to manage Bug's time and then when my son comes to visit... well, I become like a little robot with smoke rising from it's shell as I frantically twirl around on the spot.
Being responsible for three people who all have their needs, wishes and desires definitely has its pitfalls.
Even last night, Bug and I thought it would be fun to watch a movie with his Mom and my son. Three of us were on board, but my son wasn't interested. I tried to convince him that it would be great if we all were together. He wasn't having none of it. We ended up being at my place together and Bug stayed at home healing from his surgery with his Mom.
Many times my son will be staying with me when I have to care for Bug. I'll crawl out of bed, tiptoe around my home as my son slumbers, then go get Bug's day started. My son is in his mid-teens so he can be on his own for some time. He calls Bug's place once he's up and I'll ask all the Father-like questions: What time did you wake up? Have you had breakfast? Did you take your medicine? He answers in the affirmative and then asks if he can watch a DVD, play Nintendo or whatever else is of interest to him this visit.
We've shared several meals together at Bug's home and my son loves to hang at Bug's place because he's got cable TV (I have a TV, but no cable). My son sits mesmerized by the flashing images on the screen as I putter around getting dinner ready. When I first got my Wii, my son and I would hang with Bug as we worked our way through the levels of Donkey Kong Country Returns.
It is a balancing act for me to make sure that Bug gets his care and that I get time with my son; he only comes twice a month for visits, so our time is precious. This has always been a struggle for me since my son's been born. Being in an intimate relationship and being a Dad don't always go well together. I've had my share of break-ups because the guy I was seeing either didn't want kids in his life, or he resented that my son was a higher priority than him.
I love that my son is getting to know Bug and also that he is hanging out with a person with a disability. When I was growing up we had friends who's sister was deaf. That was the only disability I'd ever been around. I had a huge prejudice about what I perceived a disabled person was like. Being with Bug has opened my mind and my life. He's doing the same for my son.
My son and Bug kid around with each other all the time. For some silly reason Bug likes to call my son by a different name and my son teases Bug about all sorts of things. They seem relaxed and comfortable with each other.
I feel like the day is a success if I have time with my son and Bug together. We all share laughs, eat food and be in each others company.
This to me is the perfect way to manage our time.

Until the next... uh... time...

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